Friday, June 1, 2012

The journey begins!

I am a new teacher. I survived loved my first year in the classroom. I said goodbye to my sweet kinders last week, but I already feel like there are a million things to do to prepare for the upcoming school year. Starting August 2, I will have 16 wonderful English Language Learners (ELLs) in my 1st/2nd grade classroom. I will have the joy of teaching little ones who represent cultures from all over the world. 

Thus, Everyone Smiles in the Same Language is born.


  1. Welcome to the bloggy world . . . I am so excited to be your first follower. So, if you are moving to 1st/2nd will you get to roll with any of your kids (that is if you are at the same school)? I rolled with 11 of mine this year and it was the greatest thing ever! So glad you found me :)

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory

  2. Welcome to the wonderful blogging community...I look forward to reading about your experiences!
